Archive for May, 2006


Wed 24, May 2006 17:21:33

Today I got a big scare… was down and for a moment there it looked like I had lost all my files! I contacted the hosting company, but they were already on top of it. Apparently the server disk was failing, and they were already arranging a replacement one – it seems that everything is back to normal.
Anyway, updates have been non-existing (as usual), due to my lack of time (also as usual :)). But I do have plans to update a few things:

  • Fix the problem with the Gallery2 link on vSlider (a few people complained about this, and I already posted a solution, but I want to make it part of the theme anyway…)
  • Maybe add support for Widgets. I personally don’t feel like I need them, but they are becoming really popular, and it doesn’t seem to be very difficult to add Widget support on the vSlider sidebar.
  • Try (and I emphasize “try!“) to have KBurnalizer working properly on Safari. No offense to Mac users, but somehow Safari always seems to misbehave – why can’t everybody just use Firefox? ;)
  • I want to take a look into internationalization support for vSlider. I’ve seen really a lot of non-English site out there using vSlider, so it might be a good idea to make it easier for them. If I do this, then I will kindly ask for translations from you guys!

That’s about it… stay tuned.