vSlider 3 for Gallery2
Download: vSlider3.2-WPG2.zip
Also available: vSlider3.1.1-WPG2.zip
Also available: vSlider3-WPG2.zip
This is the companion theme of vSlider 3 for Gallery2 2.2+. Like many people, I like the combination of WordPress + Gallery2 for blogging and photo management, and I wanted to have a completely seamless visual experience between the two. Since I created vSlider 3 theme for WP, I felt compelled to create this add-on too. You can see this theme in action on my photos page.
New in version 3.2
- Fixed a bug that prevent Dynamic albums from working in Gallery2.
New in version 3.1
- Updated to work in combination with vSlider 3.1 for WordPress
- Viewing photos using Lightbox now spans across multiple pages of the album. Before you could only see the photos that were visible in that same page
- Several bug fixes, including proper handling of non-photo entities, like audio files
New in version 3
- Updated for Gallery2 2.2.1
- Fully integrated with vSlider 3, using same color scheme, width settings and sidebar positioning.
- “Floating” thumbnails on Album pages (dynamically adjusts to page width).
- Built-in support for Lightbox 2
- Some design tweaks - consistent look across pages and simpler layout. Also removed the buttons on the sidebar which were attached to specific plugins, to create a cleaner look.
- Slider button configurable from within WP administration page.
Theme features:
- Same visual experience as vSlider – great for anyone looking for one single theme for both environments.
- The sidebar never uses up any of your precious space. It slides down and overlays with transparency. All you screen real-estate can be used for the important things… like… umm… photos!
- Same cool looking sliding effects, used for album descriptions (you only see them if you really want to), and for the sidebar.
- Fancy transparency effects.
- Includes the KBurnalizerG2 module already built-in.
Browser support
The theme has been tested on FireFox 2, IE7, IE6, Opera 9 and Safari 3 Beta and it works well in all of them. I’ve put a lot of work to get it work in IE6 too, and although I think it’s fine now, I beg of you - stop using IE6! You can’t imagine the nightmare it was to try and go around all the stupid bugs and glitches of this browser. If I can’t persuade you to use FireFox, which is by far the best, at least upgrade to IE7.
This theme requires the WPG2 plugin (to integrate WP and G2) and the original vSlider 3 theme for WordPress to be installed and active. Both versions 2.x and 3.x, although I would recommend that you upgrade to version 3.
This theme is not meant to be used stand alone in Gallery2! In fact, it doesn’t work at all if vSlider 3 is not active in WordPress. The main reason for this is that it relies on color and width information from the Theme Configuration page, as well as sharing graphical resources.
These instructions assume you are using version 3.x
- Download the theme file.
- Unzip the contents to your \gallery2 folder (note that it’s not the “themes” folder, but just “gallery2”).
- In WordPress, make sure that you have the WPG2 plugin active and validated.
- Still in WordPress, go to the WPG2 tab and in the WPG2 Dashboard, where it says “Should Gallery2 Page(s) look like a Wordpress Page?”, select “Yes”
- Next select “WPG2 Output” and *delete* whatever content is present on the text boxes - no markup is necessary.
- You should have a “WPG2” page in the header main menu of vSlider 3.
- If you want to rename this new page to something more meaningful, like “Photos”, you can edit the title from the WP administration, just like any other page.
- When you view this page you enter Gallery2 in embedded mode. The layout might look funny, depending on which theme you have active in Gallery2. Namely, the font might be very small. Fight you way through to the Administration page.
- Install and activate the vSlider 3 theme in the Themes page of Gallery2.
- Configure the theme settings as you wish. Take particular attention to “Number of items to show per page”, “Row height (pixels)” and “Column width (pixels)”. Depending on how big your thumbnails are, play around with these settings until you get the best result for your needs. The default values should be ok if you use the Square Thumbnails plugin.
- You can optionally install and activate the KBurnalizerG2 module in the Plugins page.
- To enable Lightbox2, install the LightBox 2.0 for WordPress plugin (I am aware that WPG2 has built-in support for LightBox, but in the current version it creates several problems with vSlider).
If are already using vSlider 2 and for that just skipped the Installation instructions, go back and read them anyway
You need to pay attention to point 4! If you leave the old embedded markup in WPG2 you’ll get funny results.
This theme (like everything else on this site) is available under a Creative Commons License (in short, you can do whatever you want with it, as long as you give me credit for the original work).
64 Responses to “vSlider 3 for Gallery2”
Alright!!!! Just installed the Vslider Gallery theme too. (besides the new wordpress theme). They work great…
I will put some SEO tips for it too and post it on my blog.
[...] - Wordpress 2.2 - Gallery 2.2.1 - VSlider3 Theme for Wordpres - VSlider3 Theme for Gallery [...]
Hey Nima,
the SEO Title Tag plugin is supported out-of-the-box. Any other tips are welcome
how do I use the lightbox feature?
Fantastic! Really good - got it on 1024 mode on my site.
One problem though - I cannot seem to activate the Gallery CAPTCHA plugin. Or rather, it is active, but not showing, and I need to stop the tide of spam!
Jonathan, does it show when using other themes?
Actually, it does work!… I just checked you site and I get the Captcha. Maybe you were testing as admin?
Rui; thanks for spotting that! There’s a problem with the gallery sessions, not Vslider, because I changed the theme, then switched from admin to guest at the bottom and I STILL didn’t get the CAPTCHA.
And surely, the point of “guest” is that it shows as a guest would see it!
Thanks for spotting that - I’ll report the issue to Gallery.
in regard to my previous post concerning lightbox. For me it does not work in FF 2.0, IE 7 works fine.
Any idea?
Got two things. Part of the problem is I’m not a web guys this stuff does not come naturally to me.
1. I’d like to have the View Counts for albums and Pictures. I don’t see that option with the vSlider3 Theme.
2. This probably is a Light box issue, but I’ve always kept the LARGE original image available on my website for my family to download and get prints. But because it is there, it there are two sizes available… the original and the smaller 600×800 pic’s, which are a resize of the original. LightBox always sees the original, but not the 600×800 resize. I’d like it to ignore the original and see the 600×800.
Let me know if you have a solution to either. Thanks.
Guys, check the vS3 hotfixes post
Hello there,
I’ve updated to vslider3 and its great thanks Rui but I’m having 2 issues maybe someone can help me with.
1. When I create a new post in Wordpress I can no longer add an image. The window pops up with my images in but I can’t select an image or use the insert button to add an image.
2. More puzzling and this surely has to be something simple but I’m missing the site admin link from my gallery so can’t get in to add any further albums, captions or items etc. This however was there it just seems to have vanished.
Any help greatly appreciated, many thanks.
I just installed the vSlider3 wordpress and gallery2 theme and I must say I love it! Congratulations on your great work Rui. Also the lightbox feature is just great.
I have two questions regarding lightbox though:
1) In my gallery, I have albums with more than 12 photos, resulting in more than one page. If I click on one photo, it opens with Lightbox (which looks great by the way). But unfortunately, I can only navigate through the photos that are visible on the current page, not the whole album (I see “Photo 2/12″, even if there are 50 photos in the album). Is there a solution for this?
2) If I am on the Photo Page (showing only 1 photo), there is no possibility to enter the Lightbox mode. It would be great if a click on the photo shows the photo in lightbox…
I’d really appreciate any help. Thanks a lot
Cheers, Tommy
I have a warning in the gallery’s page when I use vslider3 (it’s ok with an other theme). this warning is : Division by zero in /photo/themes/vSlider3/theme.inc on line 168
everything else look fine.
I need some help….
Philippe, I have the same warning: I am not sure about how the function in line 168 works, but a quick workaround is to add the @ before the function to avoid warning messages. Just change line 168 in the file to $theme['columnWidthPct'] = @floor(100 / $params['columns']);
Hi Rui,
great work.
I installed gallery2 and it works fine with the lightbox effect.
Is it possible to use the highslide effect instead of the lightbox.
I tried to put it in by myself, but failed.
I would be thankful for any suggestion.
Regards from Germany
Hi Rui,
when I try accessing the Plugins-Page from embedded mode, a completeley blank page is returned. I can only access plugins page in Gallery2 directly, but there I get the following error message:
Warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to access ./wp-config.html in /srv/www/httpd/phost/p/net/pytalhost/pantai/web/gallery2/themes/vSlider3/theme.inc on line 158
Warning: include(./wp-config.html) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden in /srv/www/httpd/phost/p/net/pytalhost/pantai/web/gallery2/themes/vSlider3/theme.inc on line 158
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘./wp-config.html’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/srv/www/httpd/phost/p/net/pytalhost/pantai/web’) in /srv/www/httpd/phost/p/net/pytalhost/pantai/web/gallery2/themes/vSlider3/theme.inc on line 158
Any idea?
Kind regards,
I love the theme. But I am having some trouble with lightbox. When I click on an image in a post the post header/title will not fade out and it actually cuts through the lightboxed picture.
Any ideas on what I should do? Thanks for the help.
Never mind about my question. I found it posted on your other page.
Reference for anyone who cares
LightBox and the Title are competing for the highest Z-Index on the page.
). LightBox is using 100.
I made it 5000 on vSlider (maybe that was over-the-top
Ok, so here’s the hotfix for you: go to this file - \wp-content\themes\vSlider3\js\vsShadow\vsShadow.css, and on line 12 replace “z-index: 5000;” with “z-index: 50;”.
Thank you Dirk, work fine
Any news on Gallery2.2.3 complaining about vSlider not being compatible?
Please remove my earlier comment, vSlider3 works fine… (it complains about vSlider and vSlider2) Sorry for the fud.
I just got the new Gallery 2.2.3
I unpacked and opened the theme folder and ftp’d the Vslider 3 folder in the G2 folder.. but this did not work..
So I placed it in the themes folder and this worked great..
As many of my users are older and not web savy … I am trying to figure out how to change preset sliding sidebar in G2… I will keep searching.
Having just resolved an issue using G2, Wordpress, vSlider and vSlider-WPG2, I thought I would share it here in case somebody else has the same problem.
I’ve installed Wordpress to a different directory than the root directory of my site. The reason for this is so that I can keep the root directory of my site reasonably neat and clean.
But after working for a whole afternoon installing vSlider and Gallery2, I found that there was an issue with the way vSlider 3.0 for Gallery 2 is programmed—it has a call for wp-config in the theme.inc file. I needed to add my subdirectory to this call in order for the embedded wpg2 plugin to work correctly.
At first I thought it was a rewrite issue, but turning off the rewrites didn’t have any effect—the vSlider for Gallery theme didn’t think it was properly embedded inside the wordpress even when I could distinctly see that it was—it needed to draw information from the wp-config file. I found that out once I started looking at the theme files more closely.
So hopefully all future users will be able to figure out this issue if it comes up.
Thanks Rui for the theme, and hopefully future programming will remember to check if Worpress is indeed in a subdirectory or not. Now I start thinking about putting some images online!
I’ve used vSlider for some time now and it’s a great theme, but I have one question where vSlider3 for Gallery is concerned. Why do I have to fix the width and height of a column / row? Especially the latter is annoying me. I’m not using the square thumbnails plugin (and I don’t want to), but pages look very funny now if there’s a row without portrait-oriented photo’s, there’s a huge whitespace below.
Why not do it like in vSlider2, where the height would be set on a per-row basis, according to demand? I liked that a lot better.
I have to agree with Jan. I like the vSlider2 version
So, my issue: I can see the images with the lightbox, BUT the border is the same for every single image. See what I mean here
Ok, it seems to be a Lightbox related problem
Anyway, I have one more question: If I have 2 pages with images, Lightbox will show only the images in that page and no more pictures! Can I make Lightbox to show all the pictures?
Hi Rui,
1st thanks for an awesome theme. Howdy from downunder.
I’ve just updgraded to WPG 3.0.2 and have the following error ..
This theme can only be viewed when embedded in WordPress and using vSlider 3
I’ve searched and looked for help .. but can’t find any specific to this .. as far as i know 3.0.2 was validated and vslider appears as my plugin .. and theme ..
Any ideas?
Great, great..,
Hi! I’m Italian, so sorry for my bad English.
I’m still working with wordpress and gallery2 since one week.
Your theme is great, but i have some configuration problem whith the WP theme:
- the menu on the top to select page shows the tag Photos (that I can configure) and another tag called “Gallery2″ that I am not able to cancel;
- in the side bar there is a thumbnail called Psedorandom for default and another thumbnails whit no name, that also go to the gallery; how can I cancel it;
- I activated the lightbox2 plugin, but I don’t Know the correct configuration in The WPG2 plugin menu.
For the Gallery2 theme, I have this problem:
- when I clic on the photo, it appears to big, even if the photo is 800×600 pixels.
I appreciate very much your gallerysite style, can you post someone else about your configuration of Gallery2 theme?
Can you help me.
Thank you very much. Guido
two problems are solved: the side bar now show only one thumbnail and the photos in gallery2 are correct configurate.
So my problem is only the page menù bar.
But.., your configuration is better!!!!
Thank you
I adopt v3slider in a configuration without G2; I have some problem with the sidebar, because I can’t see the weathericon widget (I only see the tag My weather).
I use Wp2.3 with widget integration, I try to use your sidebar substitute but I don’t Know how to use it.
Can someone help me.
Thank you
Hi Rui
I just came across this theme and its great that someone has a unified Gallery2 Wordpress theme. I got the wordpress theme working without a problem. It looks great. However, the Gallery2 page seems to have some issues. Can you see the site and know what I am talking about. For some reason, the page does not line up right. Any ideas as to what is causing this and how it can be rectified.
thanks in advance and cheers on the great work
I started with the install and from 1. to 7. there aren’t any problems. I’m stucked with the following point though…
8. Install and activate the vSlider 3 theme in the Themes page of Gallery2.
Is this the theme I downloaded and ftp’ed under the gallery2 directory or is this another theme? I can’t figure out how to proceed.
Thanks very much for all your effort in developing this!
OK, it’s solved!
You have to copy the kburnalizerg2 folder to the gallery2\modules folder and the vSlider3 folder to the gallery2\themes folder. I think point2 of the installation is a little bit confusing…
Rudy, step 2, where it says “Unzip the contents to your \gallery2 folder (note that it’s not the “themes” folder, but just “gallery2”).” should take care of this (when it unzips, all the files go to the correct place.
You probably only had this problem because you uploaded the individual folders manually.
Anyway, glad to hear that it’s solved.
[...] nu leek het weer een doodlopend straatje. Opnieuw bracht Rui Pereira de oplossing: een bijhorend theme voor Gallery2 dat voor deze integratie zorgde. Op zich verliep de installatie vrij vlekkeloos maar [...]
hey rui. i just upgraded to the nightly build of gallery2 and i see that the theme does not work. it looks like gallery disables this. any idea how i can work around this issue
periferral, can you be more specific about the problem? What do you mean by gallery disables it?
Decide to give this theme a try again now that you have address many off the issue I had with it in the 2.0 configuration. So I’m using 2.5.1 and your latest SliderV3 themes. However I’m getting this error: This theme can only be viewed when embedded in WordPress and using vSlider3 Site Admin . If you check the site Gallery2 is showing up inside Wordpress. So do you have an idea of what is wrong?
See here to see my problem.
Heya Rui,
thanks for this great theme!
Maybe I have some strange versions, or in my installation i just can´t find the following part of your installation-instructions:
4. Still in WordPress, go to the WPG2 tab, select “WPG2 Output”, select “WPG2 Output via Wordpress Page” and *delete* whatever content is present on the text boxes - no markup is necessary.
I have the text-boxes and can delete all the text inside of them, but still don´t have that option to select…any suggestions?
Or do you mean this part: Should Gallery2 Page(s) look like a Wordpress Page? Yes No
Example can be found here: http://www.elvoges.de/files/vslider.jpg
Would be great if you could give me the missing hint
gallery2 version: 2.2.4
wp: 2.5.1
Even the vslider-theme for gallery2 doesn´t seem to work right - got some really bad output style:
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
I have the exact same issue with the elvoges. I’m wondering if it’s the theme.inc files? I tried messing around with it but it doesn’t work.
My gallery is installed in ./personal_gallery, while the blog is in ./personal_gallery_blog/, each on it’s own directory.
Could this be the issue?
Hi rui,
is it supposed to work with Gallery 2.2.5? I’ve installed the theme in gallery/themes, but it doesn’t show up in the gallery admin. Wordpress root ist “/var/kunden/webs/supported/supported/wp”. Gallery 2.2.5 is in a subfolder “gallery”.
inti:/var/kunden/webs/supported/supported/wp/gallery/themes$ ll
total 9
drwxr-xr-x 7 www-data www-data 1024 Jul 11 12:57 ajaxian
drwxr-xr-x 6 www-data www-data 1024 Dec 31 2007 carbon
drwxr-xr-x 6 www-data www-data 1024 Dec 31 2007 classic
drwxr-xr-x 6 www-data www-data 1024 Dec 31 2007 floatrix
drwxr-xr-x 6 www-data www-data 1024 Dec 31 2007 hybrid
drwxr-xr-x 6 www-data www-data 1024 Dec 31 2007 matrix
drwxr-xr-x 6 www-data www-data 1024 Dec 31 2007 siriux
drwxr-xr-x 8 www-data www-data 1024 Dec 13 2007 siriux_ijonized
drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 1024 Jul 11 12:43 vSlider3
inti:/var/kunden/webs/supported/supported/wp/gallery/themes$ ll vSlider3/
total 14
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 1024 Jul 11 12:43 templates
-rw-r–r– 1 www-data www-data 5123 Mar 26 19:20 theme.css
-rw-r–r– 1 www-data www-data 6551 Nov 21 2007 theme.
It’s a fresh 3.1.1 install. Any hints?
vSlider 3 is very nice, and I was able to get everything to work, but I seem to have lost some functionality versus other gallery2 themes. In particular, I can’t find anyway to show the origination date with album items or the description field with the photo. Am I missing a configuration option somewhere? If not, is there an easy way to add this capability (I know very little about CSS and even less about PHP)?
can you tell me how exactly you installed the gallery2 theme. I did follow the installation instructions but as outlined above the theme won’t show up in the gallery2 admin. Can you mail me a
`ls -lR /themes/vSlider3` ? Mailadress: ralph.at.rsrc.de. Thanks!
Yikes! Solved: was a browser issue! In Safari 3.0.4 the plugin->”action” items were missing so I forgot|wasn’t able to actually activate the theme. Using Firefox solved the issue.
Rui-I’m having the same problems as elvoges and Aaron Kok. Is there a fix to this? Is it the Gallery2 installation or the plugin? Any ideas? Thanks!
@Ralph: great to know that it was only a Safari problem…
@Gerry: if you expand the title bar (clicking on the slide down symbol), you should get both the dates and descriptions for albums and album items.
@elvoges, Aaron & Sergio: are the problems fixed now? Anyone has a test site that can show this happening?
I had everything running okay from my wordpress directory - then i set my wordpress settings to point my blog to the root directory on my site, and now its not recongizing the vslider theme as installed. It said it cannot show the wpg2 gallery from a page that is not embedded in wordpress! but it is!! I tried looking around the header.html for the codes listed in a fix for vslider2, but it doesn’t seem to have the same code in there.
Any suggestions?
For some reason when I enter WPG2 (select Foto’s) the space normally held by the sidebar in WP mode is being “reserved” however empty meaning my layout gets totally messed up.
Wordpress 2.6.1 , Gallery 2.2.5 and latest vSlider3 releases… any idea’s?
I have WP 2.6, Gallery 2.2.5, WPG2 3, and Lightbox 2.0. When I enable the Lightbox plugin my URLs for the images and the image titles that are “lightboxed” are not correct. Basically I have wordpress installed at the root and gallery installed a /gallery2. I have the rewrites setup through Gallery2 to be at /photos. Everything works correctly except that the URLs for the Lightboxes are /gallery2/photos/…. etc. Also the title for the the lightbox link has a bunch of odd text in it. Any ideas?
Hi Rui
I am in the process of configuring this plugin/theme with my blog and at the same time going from Coppermine to Gallery2.
However I am a bit worried about the same that Jason mentions in comment #12 about how to add new albums, pictures, etc. Are we missing something or do we really have to change the theme (in Gallery) temporary, add new pictures and the revert to vSlider3?
Besides that then I am very impressed with your work. Awesome integration between G2 and WP!
Arf… Of course I find out how AFTER I posted a comment here :(.
Sooo… Nevermind me… Still awesome work Rui
Hi Rui,
Thanks for a great plugin and themes. This is by far the tightest integration of Wordpress with Gallery2, both of which are my favorite. Works like a charm with just dropping files into plugin directory.
For others, make sure you first deactivate and remove older versions of WPG2 before installing 3.0.
Only problem I have had is not getting the thumbnails to arrange properly. It is alway defaulting to 3 columns per row. I chose 986px(1024×768) not sure how to fix this.
Is it possible to use the Windows Publishing Wizard with this theme? I love everything about it but am not able to get this to work. I often take pictures straight from my memory card and dump them into a Gallery album using this method.
I’d hate to have to find another theme if this isn’t possible…
I’m a little confused. It seems that I have to have Gallery2 installed before I can do any of this, correct?
I’m having problems installing that even though I upload the folder into my /wp-content/plugins directory… It doesn’t appear in wordpress to activate. I have WPG2 installed, but it will not validate either, possible because I do not have Gallery2 installed yet?
Any advice? Thanks!
actually I got Gallery2 to install but I still cannot get WPG2 to validate:
WPG2 Validation Check: Failed (Help)
1. Wordpress Compatible? - [ Success]
2. URI to Gallery2 Ok? - [Success]
3. Gallery2 can be located in G2 File Path? - [Success]
4. Gallery2 can be initialised? - [Success]
5. Gallery2 Version Compatible? - [Success]
6. Gallery2 Module: ImageBlock Active? - [Success]
7. Gallery2 Module: ImageBlock Version Compatible? - [Success]
8. Gallery2 Module: ImageFrame Active? - [Success]
9. Gallery2 to WPG2 Relative Path Validate? - [Failed]
any advice? THANKS!
I really like you wordpress theme and was hoping to incorperate your gallery one as well. Unfortunately it seems to have issues with the new WordPress 2.7…or I’ve done something wrong. I got every thing set-up (Wordpress Theme and WPG2 installed) and when I actived them Vslider gallery theme from within wordpress I get this message:
This theme can only be viewed when embedded in WordPress and using vSlider 3
I noticed you have posted anything in quite a while…but am hoping your still around and might have some idea where I could look for a solution
Hey Rui,
thanks for the theme and your work first of all, I enjoy the look of the embedded gallery into wordpress a lot.
One thing that I could not figure out though is where to find the site-administration of gallery itself - mentioned in other comments above.
Could you please tell me how to access the admin panel of gallery when in embedded mode?
Thanks in advance,
A. Seeger
I have everythink installed correctly, but now I don_t know, where i can insert the fotos
In gallery it says:
This theme can only be viewed when embedded in WordPress and using vSlider 3
Can I insert the fotos in the gallery with wordpress? Please tell me the place!
How do you uninstall it on a mac- I have no idea how it got to my system.
The fixed height will work well if using thumbnails with the same height, or the square thumbnail module. but if you have thumbnails of different sizes, they may overlap with text, and the only way is to set a large number for height, which is not very flexible.
Here is a patch to allow automatic vertical alignment. with this, the ‘height’ value will be ignored, and the browser will align automatically.
in file /themes/vSlider3/theme.css:
in block .album-cell, .item-cell, replace line #189 (float: left;) with these 2 lines:
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
in file /themes/vSlider3/templates/album.tpl
replace this line
with this line
my comment above was stripped, here is the missing info :
in file /themes/vSlider3/templates/album.tpl, on line 54, remove the following :
height: {$theme.params.rowHeight}px;
you can see the result here : http://limozin.org/photos
Care to comment?