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Gaikai unveiled

Thu 26, March 2009 22:29:54

These are exciting times…

The site has not been updated for a very long time - there have been no new releases of vSlider for a while, and even most of the email I’ve received is still piling up unanswered.
But this was for a very good reason - my full attention has been diverted to an ambitious new project, which has been kept under wraps for quite a while.
But no longer - this week Gaikai was publicly announced at Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. This announcement was made a bit ahead of time (it wasn’t planned until summer), but the fact that OnLive has made the news… well…, brought a change of plans ;)


Gaikai is a startup I’ve co-founded last year. Together with my partners-in-crime, Andrew Gault and David Perry, we are working on a breakthrough concept and technology we call “Streaming Worlds”. It allows players to experience the full richness of modern games directly on their browsers without installing any custom plugins. Instead, the games are run remotely on a cloud infrastructure, the graphics and sound are converted into a video stream in real time and delivered directly into your browser. The technology works, and it is *extremely* cool :)


I would love to tell you more, but right now most of it is top-secret

As you can imagine, this takes ALL of my time (and then some), so most likely I won’t be able to keep vSlider updated any more. It seems to still work well on the WordPress 2.7.x, but then again, it might break horribly somewhere I haven’t noticed… The code is, as has always been, freely available and I’m more than happy to pass on the development task to anyone with the time and skills. If you are interested, drop me a line.

Stay tuned…