New version in the works
Sun 12, March 2006 14:47:04First of all, a big “sorry” to everybody who’s been writing to me with questions and asking for help with vSlider. I started working in a new project for a client which involves a lot of traveling (really a LOT) and consequently my free time completely evaporated. I simply can’t answer all the emails I get, although I do read them and I am aware of some problems caused by new versions of WP and G2.
The good news is that I started working on new versions of the themes. I don’t intend to make any drastic changes to the design, but mostly concentrate in making them easier to manage, add a few new features and overall upgrade them to support the latest changes of WP/G2.
So, have a little patience and good things may come
Categories: Maintenance
11 Responses to “New version in the works”
Awesome! I can’t wait for the new version!
Will there be an oppertunity for beta testing? Add me to the list of there is!
hey wanted to say thanks for the great theme. i used it for a clients page. it looks a bit different than yours i would say now
take care, jay
Good Job. Your wordpress theme is great !
I’m waiting the new realase
LELE from Italy
Which is the new right Gallery-Version ? I dont get the clue and I dont know the right version which I should download and where I could get it….
great news - can’t wait to get the new version Maybe you could fix the code to support XHTML clean code and the gallary2 theme. At the moment it is just possible to see gallery2 with the WPG2 Plugin, not standalone - chaos view
Right Version: Gallery2 2.0.4
Today I installed Gallery2 2.1 and WPG2 Plugin and your vSlider Theme ist not compatible with the new version.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make an update!!!
Drop me a line when you have a working version for Gallery2 2.1 and Wordpress 2.0.2 and I’ll be glad to help you test.
I am looking forward to this release.. Please contact me when it is finished…
Look at this forum to get instructions, how to convert vSlider to work with WP 2.0.2, Gallery2 2.1 and WPG2.
Not everything could converted - especially the frames around the WPG2 pictures are missing in the vSlider WP theme.
help needed
[…] Anpassung des WordPress vSlider und Gallery2 vSlider Theme, damit das WPG2 Plugin wieder einwandfrei funktioniert - Hilfestellung hierfür gibt es im WPG2 Support Forum. Ich hoffe es kommt vom Autor ( des vSlider Theme auch eine offizielle Anpassung. […]
Good design, who make it?
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