Big Announcement x3

Tue 11, April 2006 22:41:06

Finally! After a long, long wait, I managed to finish the new version of vSlider.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… vSlider 2.0! (5 stars for originality on the name :))

vSlider 2.0

This new version is ready for the very latest versions of WordPress and Gallery2, so it should solve the problems of everybody who is having problems since they decided to upgrade. It also has a lot of new features, including an administration page for the theme.

In fact, this is a triple announcement, since there are in fact three new entries for my cool stuff page:

KBurnalizer is a fun project that I started a few months back when I was tinkering with the idea of making a slideshow in a web page using the Ken Burns effect, with nothing but JavaScript and CSS. Well, I proved it’s possible. I was rather pleased with the results, so I ended up making a Gallery2 module for it and using it on vSlider itself (see the new fading header on top? That’s not Flash ;))

Anyway, check out all the new toys (there’s quite a lot of them at one time), and let me know what you think. As usual, feedback is welcome on any problems you might find.

By the way, did you know I have a donation page (hint 8))?

16 Responses to “Big Announcement x3”

Mike Bowen wrote a comment on Wed 12, April 2006


I have been using your theme for sometime now and it is truly awesome, so I thought I would try out your donation page. Just a little something for all the hard work you have done on that theme. :-) Well done and keep up the good work.


Rui wrote a comment on Wed 12, April 2006

Thanks Mike! This keeps the motivation high ;) wrote a comment on Wed 12, April 2006


Thx for vSlider 2.0 - now I have to costumize this new version for my needs.
BUT I LOVE this theme.

Mike wrote a comment on Thu 13, April 2006

Hello Rui,

fan of your theme right from the start! However, here’s a link to the ouput of it rendering in Safari 2.0.3 (latest).

Ironically, Apple was really the first to make extensive use of the Ken Burns effect in the photo/video editing software iPhoto and Final Cut Pro…I would LOVE to see this work in the Mac browser…and needless to say I can’t use the new theme as is, it renders my site unusable to almost 100% of my Mac-using viewers.

Perhaps a key to understanding what is happening: the same thing happens to the header when I click any of the nav links EXCEPT the Gallery page…it shows the header the old way, with random images.

Thank you for all your hard work, I still love the theme!

Rui wrote a comment on Thu 13, April 2006

Mike, why are things always different on the Mac?… ;)
As a quick fix, you can disable the KBurnalizer option in the vSlider theme options page. That way, all pages will show the old style header.
Next, I would like to try to improve the KBurnalizer library to work on Safari also. Would you mind helping me out with debugging? I don’t have a Mac to test it…

[…] I tend to get a few hits from people looking for the vSlider Wordpress and gallery2 themes, so thought it worth a mention that there’s now new versions for both applications. This follows on from the recent new releases of both wordpress2 and gallery2.1. […]

nitelife wrote a comment on Mon 17, April 2006

I hope your next version will support widgets ( for ease of sidebar customization.

steve marinelli wrote a comment on Tue 18, April 2006

Your theme, as always, is top notch. Thanks for the time and effort.
I do have one question. My blog install is not in the webserver root directory. It is in ./blog/ with the index.html file at the server root directory. WPG2 works properly when I manually navigate to ./blog/wp-gallery2.html. The vSlider automatic photos heading, however, links to the root directory, /wp-gallery2.html. How do i fix that? Thanks!

Josh wrote a comment on Sun 23, April 2006

Great work, love the theme!

I just installed it and for some reason in my gallery page the whole thing is smashed together. Its as if it is trying to render a sidebar thats not there. Care to take a look? :

Aaron wrote a comment on Wed 26, April 2006

I was starting a new blog for our team and after upgrading my own and all the issues I was syched to find something that worked with WP2 and G2.1. The only issue I have is that the photo link goes to the base URL and not the embedded gallery page. I searched for settings but couldn’t find anything.

Any hints??

Also a side note is that it would be to adjust the width and height in one area for content boxes, headers, and footers.

petter wrote a comment on Thu 27, April 2006


martin wrote a comment on Fri 28, April 2006


great work. but i am having the same problem as aaron and if i am in the settings of my gallery, content of the admin page is just cut of on the right.

any ideas ?


martin wrote a comment on Sat 29, April 2006


if you want your vSlider theme with widgets just do the following.

add the lines:
if ( function_exists(’register_sidebar’) )
‘before_widget’ => ”,
‘after_widget’ => ”,
‘before_title’ => ”,
‘after_title’ => ”,
to the functions.html and add:

after the tag in the sidebar.html. Furthermore you need to add before the very last .

Now it should work.

Jeremy wrote a comment on Sat 29, April 2006


Great contribution in you comment above, but it looks as if some info didn’t come through.

Add the lines of code to functions.html and ?


Omar wrote a comment on Tue 9, May 2006

THANKS! your work is great…I appreacite it

Ben wrote a comment on Thu 1, June 2006

Where can one find more images for the kburnalizer? Great theme?

Care to comment?