vSlider 2 for WordPress
This is an outdated version of vSlider. Version 3 is available here.
Download version 2.1 (latest): vSlider2.1-WP.zip
Also available 2.0: vSlider2-WP.zip
vSlider 2 is my original theme for WordPress 2.0+. You are looking at it right now…
It’s an evolution of the first (and rather popular) vSlider theme. There are no radical changes in the design, but there are new features, some fixes and overall it’s easier to manage.
If you also use Gallery2, make sure you check out the vSlider 2 G2 companion theme.
New in version 2.1
- Fixed a small problem with the Gallery2 link.
- Full internationalization support. You can now easily change the language on your theme without having to go trough the PHP pages and editing the text. Go to the Languages page for more details. Many thanks to Simon Rozman for all the help on this one!
- Added support for the Widgets plugin. You actually have two modes for this: the Widgets in the middle of the vSlider sidebar or full replacement. Try it out and you’ll see what I mean. There will probably be quite a few CSS problems (misalignments, colors and so on) – I didn’t have the time to fully test the Widgets themselves. But if someone out there adds some CSS to fix them, I’ll be more than happy to include them in a new release.
- The fading headers using KBurnalizer now also work with Safari. Many thanks to dr3w and Mike for helping out with the testing!
- New CSS for correct placement of photos on the posts, when using the WPG2 plugin, Again, many thanks to Simon for this one!
Other highlights
- Cool looking sliding posts (hence the name vertical slider). Just click on the oval symbols on the top right corner of posts to see the effect. Very handy on archive pages to quickly show lots of posts without a lot of space needed. Also useful for reading lower positioned posts without scrolling down.
- Very complete, with custom templates for archives listing, search results, 404 page, list of used plugins and other handy details.
- Built-in random header image – no plugin required.
- Includes JS code to fix many of the problems related to PNG transparency in IE.
- Doesn’t require any WordPress plugins to work properly, but automatically gains a lot of extra functionality “out-of-the-box” (without any configuration) if they are installed and active. Check out the plugins being used at the moment.
- Careful use of CSS, HTML and Javascript to separate content, presentation and behavior – should be good learning material. Oh!… right… but it is only “almost XHTML 1.0” compliant.
- Tested on IE6, FireFox 1.5+ and Opera 8.5. Should work ok in Safari as well
New in this version
- Updated for WP 2.0+
- New option to have multiple fading header images. This functionality is provided by KBurnalizer, which is already built-in.
- RSS feeds for categories (with little RSS icons in front of the category name in the sidebar).
- RSS feeds for comments.
- The comments of the blog owner are visually different (with a lighter shade of blue) from all other comments – makes it easier to spot them.
- In the comment header there is extra information to distinguish normal comments from trackbacks and pingbacks.
- Added a trackback button on the comment area with the correct link (easy to copy-paste).
- New “Quick About” section on the sidebar, directly configurable (no need for an extra plugin for this).
- Fixed an old date/time bug on the post headers
Another big change is that now you can configure vSlider from its own Administration page! After you enable this theme, you see a new tab called vSlider Theme Options under Presentation. From there you can a set a lot of options without having to touch any of the code. Some examples:
- Set the default status of the slider posts (open/closed/only first one open).
- Configure the KBurnalizer library for the header.
- Change the default page names (like Home).
- Change the default titles of the sidebar sections.
- Configure the “Quick About” section on the sidebar.
Just check it out and you’ll see how easy it is.
- Download the theme file.
- Unzip the contents to your \wp-content\themes folder in WordPress.
- Activate the theme.
Couldn’t be any simpler…
License and Donations
This theme (like everything else on this site) is available under a Creative Commons License (in short, you can do whatever you want with it, as long as you give me credit for the original work).
There is a lot of time and effort put into making this. So, if you do use it, then I strongly encourage you to visit my donate page, and show your appreciation ;).
85 Responses to “vSlider 2 for WordPress”
THX for this new vSlider Theme! I really love it, but I have a problem with the photos.
I have no frames around all photos, not in the sidebar or at posts. I updated to vSlider2, gallery2 2.1 and WPG2 and configured the Sidebar Image Options to have the shadow effect.
Can anybody please help me, to get this frame effect back?
Blog URL: http://www.worldtraveler.at
thx for help.
On the Sidebar Image Options of WPG, have you tried changing the frame to something else other than shadow?
Hi, thanks for your great theme, I like it very much!
But I got a problem about link Photo, it can not link to the Gallery page (wp-gallery2.html), and the photos can not be displayed on the side bar.
URL: http://www.pingjun.cn/wp
Thanks for your help.
Will, your photos are not showing properly even when accessing Gallery2 directly (http://www.pingjun.cn/gallery2/main.html). This is not related to any theme in particular, but just your configuration of Gallery2. I suggest you try to fix that first.
Hi, thanks for your reply so soon.
The first problem was solved according to page http://irui.ac/cool-stuff/vslider2-g2/
And I can visit the Gallery2 from http://www.pingjun.cn/gallery2/main.html, I think the sidebar should be reset
I got it, thanks Rui.
So great are you!
Thx Rui for your help. I could fix the problem with the CSS and frames around the photos. But now, I have a new problem - see your email.
THX Rui…
Great Joj…
I like very much the new features
Fantastic! I’ve made a donation - so now I can ask you a question!
I have been spending hours trying to “fix” a front page. I have been trying to use Static Front Page” pluging, but then your theme does not show the “sub pages” in the sidebar. I’ve also tried messing with the .htaccess. Is there any way to make the default front page to be a specific PAGE (not post, as I want to use wordpress as a CMS).
Secondly, I am trying to use the CSS Per Page plugin as I want a certain page to have a different background (around the edge, not in the centre), but I can’t work out how you’ve done the bit round the edge! OR at least, when I give it an image file, it doesn’t apply it.
Could you take a look at the page:
The names are too long, can you update the theme to shorten names for display?
Could you take a look at the page:
Hi Rui! I happy you have updated your vSlider theme! It looks great! I updated both Wordpress and Gallery to the latest versions along with WPG2 2.0.
One question. I notice that you are no longer using the sidebar tile plugin. How are you getting the functionality of sidebar-tile if you aren’t using the plugin? Is that built into Wordpress now?
Will, these filenames are nothing to do with vslider!
You have given your files in gallery ridiculously long names, no-one can help that except you!
Hmm… Upgrades….
As evidenced by the link in the footer, this site uses the vSlider theme developed by Rui Pereira. It’s a wonderfully integrated pair of themes for both Wordpress and Gallery that make the two individual web apps look like one coherent site. In…
Will, Jonathan is absolutely right! This has nothing to do with the theme (any theme). You have to give shorter names to your pictures, or at least put in some spaces to allow the browser to break the lines.
On second thought… just give them proper names
George, nope that is not part of WP. I’ve built in that functionality into the vSlider theme itself (it is really simple, actually). You can activate that option and set the text from the new theme options page.
One less plugin to manage…
Jonathan, I’m travelling this weekend so I don’t have access to my “devel” PC (I have some web access right now and that’s pretty much it…). Next week I’ll take a look into your “front page” issue (and the CSS one too…)
could you possibly guide me in making multiple image headers w/ the same format as the main? Meaning bordersize, dimensions, etc.
sil3ntstatic - I just imported the default header into an old copy of Paint Shop Pro, but you could use any image editor, just “magic wand select” the image, delete it, and out something else within the borders!
Unfortunately, I have just found that the XD Forum plugin “breaks” this theme, as the pages do not show in the header.
I’ve informed the XD Forum author at their page:
Thanks for the headup on the lastest version!
Hey, I’ve just upgraded to vSlider 2.0 and Gallery2 2.1.1 & currently use Wordpress 2.0.2. I’ve got a small problem since upgrading, the link along the header that normally links to wp-gallery2.html links straight back to my domain name, http://www.domross.com not http://www.domross.com/wordpress/wp-gallery2.html
Just wondering if theres something simple that I’ve done wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just wanted to say THANKS! This is a great theme, just upgraded without a hitch. When I get a little extra cash I will be sure to send a bit your way for your hard work!
Hi, love the product, thanks a lot. Just a couple of questions though..
Why do the sidebar fonts look totally different when viewed with IE7 Beta 2 and IE6 than they do with Firefox? Is it something I’ve done?
Also since upgrading everything I’ve lost my G2Image button in TinyMCE. Is that related to the theme or something else?
Once again, thanks for a great themeset Rui.
Congratulations on the milestone, its one of the best themes available for Wordpress.
Im having the same issue as Dom (wrote on Tue 18, April 2006), I have the Home link pointing to http://www.hombrepac.com.ar and the Fotos (Photos) is poing there too, instead of http://www.hombrepac.com.ar/blog/wp-gallery2.html (which by the way, works just fine if i enter directly).
Im using wordpress inside the blog directory, its not spread in the root directory, maybe that has something to do with it?
This may be an extremely simple question but I’m a newcomer so any help would be appreciated. I love this theme and would love to edit it but I apparently don’t have permission. How do I go about getting permission for this in WordPress? Thanks.
Do you mean to edit in the “Theme Editor”? If so, you need to give your files write permission by the web server, usually, giving a permission of 666 should suffice.
You can give this permissions with almost any FTP client, right clicking on the file and choosing that option (also known as chmod –as in the Linux command).
obviously i’m greatly indebted to you for creating a beautiful theme like this and sharing with rest of online community, alright that was your praise now my turn for question, is there a way to control the number of postings on the main page? cheers
Thanks Leonardo. All set now.
Rui, is there any fix for the Gallery thing?? I dont understand whats the problem… but it seems im not the only one.
I would really apreciate it if you could supply at least a hint as to where to look.
Rui posted a fix for this under the Gallery 2 section of his site on Wed 12, April 2006. This has worked for me and many other people, I’m not sure if the example will get truncated when I post it, so you may have to hop over to http://irui.ac/cool-stuff/vslider2-g2/ and look:
Try this: edit the header.html file of vSlider 2 and on line 112 replace
Well it got cut off like I thought, so just look at the second post on the link I included.
That was a nasty bug (the one fixed by editing header.html line 112). The link to Photos worked fine in Firefox (the browser I use) but I didn’t notice there was a problem until a relative that was using IE told me that the link was broken. Glad there was a simple solution.
GUIDE to making HEADERS like his(Using photoshop):
In photoshop:
1. Open the original vslider image
2. Click Magicwand tool
3. Click the border area
4. copy it
5. make a new blank image(size 762pixel by 200pixel)
6. paste the border into it
This is your temporary border image file for making new images
7. Load an image you like
8. click the rectangular marquee tool (usually top left of toolbox, it looks like a dashed box)
9. Some new options on your top menu now pop up
10. for style choose fixed aspect ratio (width 762pixel by 200pixels)
11. select the area of the image you like
12. copy it
13. make a new image
14. paste the area you copied
15. click image -> image size and choose 762pixels by 200pixels
16. select the entire image using the marquee tool again
17. goto your border image and click edit -> paste into
Wallah! you have your own image with similiar border, now just add some snazzy text and you are gold. I would save the border image as a photoshop file for future use.
Hi, Rui, thanks for the great theme! esp the sliding effects, super cool~!
a little question about the fading headers:-
I’m using netscape navigator to browse your page, when click on the header image it shows up the header image such as Australia_Cape_Tribulation_01.jpg, but when I click on my testing page it only shows empty.gif, why is this? Although I have photoshoped couple of headers to the images/headers/ foloder.
It seems KBurnalizer does not functioning well in my testing.
Hi Rui, no borther to consider my question it has solved myself—the key is to go vSlider theme options to enable KBurnalizer! whew, this is a little pleasant tricky:-)
for some reason my links always seem to show up not formatted like the rest of the sidebar. Any idea what may be causeing this?
Hi Rui, thanks for the great theme. It works well.
It looks like the new 2.1 version may have an issue with Internet Explorer (6.0). If I simply upload the new /vslider2/ dir to the server (and rename my original directory), then change the theme to the 2.1 version, it gives me this error in IE:
Line: 3
Char: 5
Error: Expected ‘;’
Code: 0
URL: http://www.mysite.com/wordpress/
Seems to work fine with Firefox. Just a thought. Also, I’ve found that the image-center issue is still unresolved with Firefox. Seems to work fine in both v2.0 and 2.1 with IE.
Hi, Rui! Congratulations on the theme. I may send a translation into spanish later on the week (I need to make it for myself, anyway).
I was wondering… Have you considered what updates you plan on doing?
I’ll be trying the following, over the next days.
- Separate the header image from the borders (putting either the image as a background and the borders above it or just one over the other, in both cases the borders being transparent PNGs or even GIFs).
- I probably won’t be using the random image rotator, unless I can make it work with the above. In the meantime I’ll be using the random header plugin (which uses a random image upon load, no rotation).
- Support further plug-ins (I’m right now modifying the theme in my end to support rebelpixel’s recent comments, brian’s latest and threaded comments, and a few others, which will probably take some time).
So, what are your plans for the theme? Would you consider adding more flexibility to it for customisation (having some of the theme stylistic options be controlled over settings, like font, font size, colours, etc.) or adding support for more plug-ins or even a fluid or flexble-width layout?
Also, maybe unrelated: Could you, please, put the layered file (photoshop, Gimp) available for download? It would make it easier for banner images to be created (although I’m looking at CSS’ifying it completely)
Hi Rui,
Absolutely fantastic, this is the most impressive piece of work I have seen for Wordpress. Congratulations!
I have a question. next to your header - 40 Responses to “vSlider 2 for WordPress” you have an RSS button which when pressed guides you to your feed. Mine goes nowhere and gives an error. Inevitably i have done something wrong and would appreciate any advice you can give.
Keep up the good work Rui, this is really good stuff!
Great theme, I am now using it on my one page. I am now making a template to present a page full size whitout the sidebar. Because I need sometime more space for my post. If I’am finished with the template I’ll sent it to you.
Take care
Greetings from Antwerp Belgium. I love your theme and was very happy to us it for my website. Keep up the good work
Hi, love the product, thanks a lot. But I have a question
Why do the gallery2 look totally different when viewed with IE6 than they do with Firefox? All fine with Firefox, but with IE6, I can’t see anything.
Plz check my site: http://kaytia.info
Once again, thanks for a great themeset Rui.
I’m still bringing my site up to speed, and really like the look of vSlider inside WordPress. However, my embedded gallery seems to have some formatting issues (both Firefox and IE6).
The pictures don’t use the whole area that’s available to them, and the Search bar overlaps the title bar.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Hi People
Great theme
After looking for a month for a decent theme I decided on vSlider.
Does any body now how to get the border around the image header pictures using gimp ? I managed to get the pictures nice and round but the border is missing and I have no idea.
Go and have a look at : http://www.springhaas.com
Thank you
Very nice, my favorite WP theme, well done! Thanks!
Very cool stuff you’ve made, congrats and kudos.
I modified some colors and sidebar items but I have to say that I LOVE this theme.
Cant you make a one column thingie of this thing?
I tried but i am not that good in php and css…
Cannot go further than this…
Maybe you have a tip. The reason is, I do not want the gallery, but I need room for pictures. What you have standard in side bar, I will link in mij horizantal header menu. I need at least 650 for my fotos.
It’s probably not that difficult for you to make, for me its hell. I like this rustique style of yours btw, thats why I am asking
Hi! I’ve installed this fantastic theme for Wordpress, but somewhere something went wrong (I think). When I view my site in IE6 it looks bad. In Firefox there are no problems. IE6 seems to mess with the fonts. Anyone have an idea?
nevermind my comment. It was a defective stylesheet. I probably did something wrong somehere :S
Well I’m trying out this theme. I’ve looked at a lot to themes, but this is the best by far. I know very little about website design knowledge or experience. Though with themes like these I’m hoping the brainy bar will be lower a little and I’ll be able to get things working. I’m not even sure I’ll keep this once I’ve got it working. Mostly I’m exploring what I can do or what I’ve got the patience to learn. If you happen to go to the site anytime soon. Be very patient it is presently run on a server deperate for more memory. Once the bugs are all worked out it is to be moved on two the dual AMD Opteron. My test computer is a Dual IBM Intellistation M Pro (Very Old School), but computers run Gentoo Linux which made the initial installation of Gallery2 and Wordpress a breeze.
Hopefully by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend I’ll have something that will look more polished and “pretty” …hmmm I mean slick like this site. I appreciate the work that you put into this theme, so I want to get my site looking good so I don’t tarnish the themes reputation.
Oh the website is…
wow, this theme is fantastic! It has saved me hours of pulling my hair out messing around with template.tpl files in gallery2. I do have one question though, how can I turn off the “vslider” at the top of each post. I just want plain old boring text, nothing fancy. Thanks again!
I notice a problem when using the vSlider2 theme. Seem if the enable the kenburnilizer plugin and you have a very large photo folder/gallery. The problem is here seems to be no check on memory use, I’ve got a 1Gb of ram and 1Gb of swap space on the Gentoo-Linux box and if the KB plugin is used it swamp my box until it is completely frozen. So for now I’ve stopped using the vSlider2 plugin. Until I know how to deal with the issue.
So i’ve separate the gallery and wordpress until I know how to deal with the issue.
vSlider Wide for Wordpress, Gallery2…
會採用 vSlider 當作 Blog 的 theme﹐是因為作者 iRui 也有設計 for Gallery2 的 theme
使得 Wordpress + Gallery2 的配合更完美﹐且 Header 有變換圖片的功能﹐讓我第一次看見還蠻喜歡的。
但作者設計 vSlider …..
I tried to change the colors a bit. I found the place to change the color of the right sidebar, but i cant find where to change the color of the top section of every post (the slider background),
Need help getting my sidebar back up to the side…it is now wrapped under all my post! http://www.jaysreeftank.com
Any help would be appreciated!
I modified this theme to suit with 1024*768 resolution, and named vSlider Wide,
if you are interest in it, may come my blog to see the bottom part, I write in English for guide and installation.
I also put .psd file to let you make header image easierly
How do I set up the plugins used page? I made the page with the proper template, but nothing is showing up, so I guess I need a special plugin.
I found the plugin needed for the plugins page.
Is there a way to still use the regular header tags (h1) and (/h1) in the header, while still burnalizing or something like that?
Fading header is not displayed on Mac OSX 10.3.9 with Safari 1.3.2, but works fine with Firefox 2.0
Fading header here http://the.taoofmac.com/space works fine on Mac OSX 10.3.9 with Safari 1.3.2
Please explain ?
First of all thanks for the great theme, you and the person that made the wide version.
Now i am changing the colors a little, but got stuck at the searchbox on the gallery page, don’t know where that part is at.
you can see what i mean on my site http://www.spliffcanvas.com/ click the gallery and the searchbox you see there. Want that the yellow to.
I am changing the colours not because i didn’t like the blue, but just to stand out an itsy bitsy more then everyone else using the blue ;).
Can someone help me a little on this, i am not that good when it comes to html/css and so on
Thanks in advance
is there any support for the Wordpress 2.1 version in the latest VSlider 2.1? Want to make an upgrade on my website soon…
Thanks for the great stuff at all and take care.
Piet, I am using vSlider 2.1 in Wordpress 2.1 right now. I can only complain about the centering of widgets, but otherwise everything works.
First of all thanks for the great theme, you and the person that made the wide version.
Has this been (or could it be) incorporated into a phpbb forum template? I’m sure someone could do it easily enough. Anyone??
It’s a really one of the best themes for wordpress I ever seen!Thanks!
what is the plugin you use to highlight the search result?
Great Theme, I did have one comment tho - on my site, sometimes the date does not show in the date/time stamp. For example
post 1 and 2 show the equivalent of “2 March 2007 18:00″, but post 3, 4 and 5 will only show the equivalent of “18:00″. Any idea why this might be?
Great Wordpress theme. I will include this theme on the next face lift for my blog http://www.funblog.ro
Thanks for your work
I have downloaded vSlider 2.1 now. Is there a newer version in the meantime? It will nice when somebody can write me an e-mail or post an answer. I will check it in the next days. Thanks from Jürgen.
Hey mate, thanks for the download. I downloaded vSlider now and i fixed the problem with Gallery2. Perfect work. Thanks. John
Hi. Thanks a lot for the vSlider download. Good work.
Hi Rui,
I wanted to find out if you want me to add audio conversion functionality to your Slider Theme/Template? We have the ability to convert all the blogs that are being published with this theme to speech and provide it as a service to your users.
Please let me know if you consider this functionality useful as a free service to the users of the Slider. I will work on it right away.
I wanted to thank a lot for your theme. I use it in at least 4 of my websites… Eagerly waiting for the next version.
Hi, thanks for your great theme, I like it very much!
Good design, who make it?
I wish I was the designer

[...] vSlider2: F, 35 [...]
Today Google made some changes to their webmaster tools that affect your theme. You shouldn’t be using a 200 status code on the 404 page, it makes it impossible for Google to verify that a page is actually missing. After the correct codes are put in wp-content/themes/vSlider2/404.html Google is able to verify site ownership.
Nice theme though, I like using it.
[...] Turns out Google was in fact brighter than whoever wrote my Wordpress theme. [...]
I’ve posted about the 404 issue - this is an old trick, that has reached retirement age :p
Care to comment?