vS3 hotfixes
Mon 9, July 2007 23:14:56Ok, some bugs/issues/problems have been found in vSlider 3, none of them too critical. I don’t want to just jump to version 3.1 already just to fix this (I rather do it later, with a few improvements). Instead I list them, with hotfix instructions. If you find some more, add comments here and I’ll keep the text updated.
- Post titles in WordPress are still visible when using LightBox:
go to the file \vSlider3\js\vsShadow\vsShadow.css, and on line 12 replace “z-index: 5000;” with “z-index: 50;” - Image or album title area in Gallery2 looks funny if the title text is empty:
go to the file \gallery2\themes\vSlider3\templates\header.tpl and on line 87 add this code before the {/if}:{else}<h2 class="single-title"> </h2>
- vSlider 3 just doesn’t work in some PHP configurations: Some PHP installations have very strict settings and won’t load files with paths that are not fully specified. In this case, replace the indicated lines with these:
File header.html
Lines 25 through 31:<?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/style_main.css.html"); ?> <?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/style_header.css.html"); ?> <?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/style_page.css.html"); ?> <?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/style_content.css.html"); ?> <?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/style_post.css.html"); ?> <?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/style_comment.css.html"); ?> <?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/style_sidebar.css.html"); ?>
Line 58:
<?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/ieHacks/style_ie_behavior.html"); ?>
File footer.html
Line 64 :<?php require (TEMPLATEPATH . "/styles/ieHacks/style_ie_behavior.html"); ?>
- LightBox always picks up the original (large) image in Gallery2:
the following changes will make LightBox pick up the smallest resize of the picture (or the original if no resize is available).In file vSlider3/theme.inc, add this to line 75:
$theme =& $template->getVariableByReference('theme'); foreach ($childIds as $childId){ list ($ret, $resizeTable) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchResizesByItemIds(array($childId)); if (isset($resizeTable[$childId][0])) { $theme['resizeId'][$childId] = $resizeTable[$childId][0]->getId(); } } foreach ($theme['children'] as $id=>$item){ if ($item['descendentCount'] >0 ){ list ($ret, $Descendent) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemizedDescendentCounts(array($item['id'])); $theme['children'][$id]['Descendent'] = $Descendent[$item['id']]; } }
In file vSlider3/templates/album.tpl, find this:
{if (!$theme.lightbox_plugin_active)} {capture assign=linkUrl} href="{g->url params=$theme.pageUrl arg1="itemId=`$child.id`"}" {/capture} {else} {capture assign=linkUrl} href="{g->url arg1="view=core.DownloadItem" arg2="itemId=`$child.id`"}" rel="lightbox[Photo]" title="{$child.title|markup}<br><a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$child.id`"}">View Photo Page</a>" {/capture} {/if}
And replace it with this:
{if (!$theme.lightbox_plugin_active)} {capture assign=linkUrl} href="{g->url params=$theme.pageUrl arg1="itemId=`$child.id`"}" {/capture} {elseif ($theme.resizeId[$child.id] eq '')} {capture assign=linkUrl} href="{g->url arg1="view=core.DownloadItem" arg2="itemId=`$child.id`"}" rel="lightbox[Photo]" title="{$child.title|markup}<br><a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$child.id`"}">View Photo Page</a>" {/capture} {else} {capture assign=linkUrl} href="{g->url arg1="view=core.DownloadItem" arg2="itemId=`$theme.resizeId[$child.id]`"}" rel="lightbox[Photo]" title="{$child.title|markup}<br><a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$child.id`"}">View Photo Page</a>" {/capture} {/if}
- Add the Views Count to albums and pictures in Gallery 2:
go to the file vSlider3/templates/album.tpl and near the end find “showSize=true”. Add “showViewCount=true” after it. - Fix a PHP Warning: Division by zero in Gallery 2
go to the file vSlider3/templates/theme.inc and in the end of the file delete the line $theme[’columnWidthPct’] = floor(100 / $params[’columns’]);. - Fix a small localization bug in administration
go to the file admin/color.html, and in line 5 replace __(’Posts:’,'Svlider’) by __(’Posts:’,'vSlider’). Thanks goes to SILENCE for spotting this.
Categories: Maintenance, Tips 4 Geeks
18 Responses to “vS3 hotfixes”
Hey. Nice, will update asap
One feature i miss is the choose how many post shuld be “open” and “closed” on the blog.
For example I would like to have the first five posts open and the rest in closed-mode. Now i can only choose to have the first one open or all of them open.
One other thing:
I would like to have the posters name on the blog, maybe near the date och category (we are several posters on the same blog) is this some thing you could add a option too or maybe just show me what to do with the code
Thank you for a great theme!
sorry for the bad spelling
I mean I like the name of the poster in the post. around the date or category
First of all - thank you for your beautiful theme. I will soon have the best-looking blog on the internet. I’m just getting Gallery2 installed at the moment.
One problem with vSlider3: Using Safari and a coloured background, the background creeps into the header whitespace that’s supposed to be around the photo. It doesn’t look like I can upload a screenshot here, so, hopefully, you will be able to take a peak at the URL I’ve provided on someone else’s computer.
Fix this fast and I’ll definitely send you a donation.
Thanks so much.
Hello. Thank you for all the hard work. Unfortunately, I can not get a vanilla v3 to work. v1 and v2.x always worked great. I can provide you with the logs, php.ini, screenshots, etc. if necessary. I have no clue why it is not working. I have even applied all the hotfixes I could but no luck. I can see some content but no sidebars and the background is white (no images anywhere).
Of course, I have tried disabling and even uninstalling all plugins, and have upgraded to wordpress 2.2.1, but still no luck.
I have made sure the files have enough permissions set too…
The error log (this is repeated over and over again):
[Mon Jul 23 23:10:36 2007] [info] [client] (OS 10053)An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. : core_output_filter: writing data to the network
[Mon Jul 23 23:10:36 2007] [error] [client] Attempt to serve directory: C:/Apache/htdocs/blog/wp-content/themes/vSlider3/images/icons/rss/, referer: http://myServer:10110/blog/
Is there a reason my audio files try to play in an external audio program at the same time as the flash player?
Curious, didn’t see a fix for that but it only does so using your theme.
Sorry I posted a follow up to this on the download page, with an example and possible cause to help debug it. thanks again!
Hello. Is it possible use “background-color” and “border” in CSS:blockquote on vSlider v3 ?
I add the code in style.css, but itn’t work.
Is someone can helpy me?
about “background-color”
Answer by myself.
Modify vSlider3\styles\style_main.css.html and you can get it ^_^
As a followup to my problem: I have “fixed” it. Basically, the first time that vSlider is enabled, it is mandatory to go into the options and click “save”, or otherwise the settings are not automatically set up in the database, causing the auto generated style sheet to be corrupt.
It would be nice if 3.1 automatically sets up all its needed variables.
Hey, great job with this theme. One question though, I can’t find the vslider3/theme.inc file so that I can make sure that the LightBox pulls the smallest resize.
A little help please?
Hi Rui — love the vSlider3 themes; I use both the WP and WPG2 themes.
Quick question (and maybe I’m dense here) but where would a user register/login on the Gallery pages? I usually log in via Wordpress and then nav over to Gallery (where I’m logged in too), but if I just wanted to create a Gallery user to upload pix to an album, where would they go to login?
Cheers - N
Hey everyone…
has anyone heard from Rui recently? I’ve sent him a few emails and haven’t heard anything. I’ve installed his vSlider theme in my WP and gallery, but I’m having a few problems. I’m getting the following errors in my CGI logs all the time:
PHP Warning: Division by zero in //gallery/themes/vSlider3/theme.inc on line 169
PHP Warning: loadwordpressoptions() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘./wp-config.html’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php-4.4.4/lib/php’) in /hermes/web01/b1819/pow.acrosson/gallery/themes/vSlider3/theme.inc on line 159
Also, random question.. does anyone know how to put that shadow behind thumbnails like here on Rui’s site?
P.S. ..looks like it parsed some of the HTML in that error log. If it’s necessary, let me know and I’ll put it back in but break the HTML.
bug reporting:
in admin/color.html, line 5th
__(’Posts:’,'Svlider’) should be __(’Posts:’,'vSlider’)
it affects localization of every languages
Hi everybody,
sorry for the long time without replying.
@Trudy Shore - I think that’s a bug in Safari. Does it happen even when KBurnalizer is disabled? Anybody else experiencing this?
@Andrew - yes, I’m still here
The fix for the division by zero problem is on the post
Thanks for the fixes! Any idea about compatibility with WP2.3?
Djerk, check the new posts about this topic
I’m not using KBurnalizer, so yes, it does happen when it’s disabled. So, even if it turns out to be a Safari bug, any ideas re: a workaround? Thanks again for this fabulous theme.
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